BDS identify and report on tenders & contracts for the waste sector and a variety of multi disciplinary industries.
Municipal Waste Tenders & Contracts in Great Britain:
- Household waste treatment
- Household waste disposal
- Household residual waste collection
- Household recyclate collection
Multi-disciplinary Tenders & Contracts in Great Britain:
- Grounds Maintenance
- Street Cleansing
- Leisure
- Highway Terms Maintenance
The information is provided to clients in two ways:
(1) via an annual subscription service including monthly reports to identify live tenders and/or recently awarded contracts
(2) via a suite of annual registers detailing live contracts for all identified sectors.
Existing subscribers to the contracts service or purchasers of the annual contract registers use the information to ensure they are at the forefront of change within the industry and to monitor competitor activity. Suppliers of equipment, products and services also use the information to gain routes to market.
Further information relating to tenders & contracts from BDS can be found below.
Municipal Waste – Tenders, Annual Subscription Service
Similarly to the BDS planning portal, BDS offer access to an online portal to identify tenders for the waste sector.
The Online Contracts Portal provides a user friendly way to search for information relating to tenders across Great Britain, divided by sector of interest, region and country (England, Scotland, Wales).
An annual subscription to the portal allows users access to seek for tenders of interest using a number of different search facilities and also allows the user to download information for further analysis and review.
Subscription include:
- 365 day access to the online portal for two logins. This enables you to search for specific schemes, by company, scheme type, region, county etc
- 12 monthly reports detailing changes in the month, saved and uploaded to your portal access
- Access to the mapping feature that pinpoints tenders and contracts across Great Britain
Last Updated: Monthly
Municipal Waste – Contracts Register
The Municipal Waste Contract Register Suite provides contract information by waste authority for Great Britain and includes four reports :
- Residual Waste Collection
- Recyclate Waste Collection
- Household Waste Treatment
- Household Waste Disposal
The registers includes the start and finish date (plus any extensions), name of current contractor, key facilities used, and any other relevant information. All four registers are an essential read for waste companies looking for new contract opportunities and feedstocks; suppliers of plant, products and services looking to increase sales; and industry observers and companies looking to enter or expand their presence in the market.
Registers can be purchased as a suite of reports or as individual reports depending on company need.
Last Updated: April 2024
Multi-disciplinary – Annual Register
The Multi-disciplinary Contracts Register Suite provides contract information by authority for Great Britain and includes four reports :
- Highway Terms Maintenance
- Grounds Maintenance
- Street Cleansing
- Leisure Management
The registers includes the start and finish date (plus any extensions), name of current contractor, key facilities used, and any other relevant information. All four registers are an essential read for companies looking for new contract opportunities or are involved in delivering or providing services and equipment to the industry.
Registers can be purchased as a suite of reports or as individual reports depending on company need.
Last Updated: April 2024
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Last Updated: April 2024
Use the form below to enquire about BDS Tenders & Contracts or to enquire about subscribing to the BDS Online Contracts Portal or Monthly Reports.
Samples of planning reports can be provided on request.